The most awaited Himachal Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment 2024 notification is released now. The application forms started on the 4th of October and you can apply till 31st of October 2024. There are a total of 1088 vacancies for constables. In this recruitment, 708 vacancies of constable male and 380 posts of female constables are released. The basic qualification that is required for a constable post is 12th. So if you clear your 12th already then you are eligible for this vacancy.
The applicants will be based on a written exam and physical test. The return exam is for 90 marks. Height of the candidate will give you 6 marks. If any applicant has an NCC certificate then it will give you 4 marks. So the total is 100 marks. If your height is above 6 feet then you will get 6 marks which is the highest. Himachal Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment 2024 notification in PDF format is already updated on our website. If you have any type of enquiry then you can download this PDF and check every single point.
Himachal Pradesh government is all set to release News Jobs in Police Department. Most of the jobs are of constable post. 1088 vacancies of police constable will be released soon district-wise. Distribution of the vacant seats will be done according to district-wise vacancies. If you are a police job aspirant, and have a dream to to join the Himachal Pradesh Police, then your dream become a reality soon. If you are preparing for the police constable recruitment, your weight will be over soon. Most of the preparations for the police constable vacancy are completed and now notification will be released on any day.
In the Department of Himachal Pradesh Police, Recruitment will be open soon for the Post of Constable. There are a total of 1088 Posts available vacant for the post of HP Constable. The registration Process for the recruitment of the eligible candidates already started. In this total of 1088 posts, there are 818 for the Male Candidates and the rest of the 351 Posts for the Female Constables. Apart from that, there are also 35 Posts for Male Drivers are also available. You can apply for these vacant posts of Constable in the HP Police Department, according to your Age, gender, Qualification and interest.
If you are also above 18 years old and a bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh, then you can submit your Registration form through the official portal. Here are the details about the HP Police Constable 1088 Vacancy/ Recruitment Process 2024, District Wise Total Vacant Post details with the Name, and eligibility Criteria for male and Female Constable and also for the Male Drivers.
HP Police Constable 1088 Vacancy
The Department of Police of Himachal Pradesh announced this recruitment with the HPPSC( Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission) for the recruitment of eligible candidates against all these posts. All the male and female candidates who think that they are also eligible for the post can fill the 3rd Class post of the Police Department. You all are eligible to fill out your application form through the official portal of the HPPSC Directly. There must be a 30% reservation available for the women. So all the candidates need to visit the official portal of the department i.e.
हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार ने फिलहाल में 1088 कांस्टेबल भर्ती के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी की है. इसके लिए पुरुष एवं महिला कांस्टेबल की भर्ती की जाएगी. इस भर्ती प्रक्रिया के लिए आवेदन 4 अक्टूबर से शुरू कर दिए गए हैं तथा इस आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 31 अक्टूबर रखी गई है. इस पूरी प्रक्रिया में लगभग 708 कांस्टेबल पुरुष एवं 380 कांस्टेबल महिला की भर्ती की जाएगी. इस पूरी भर्ती प्रक्रिया के लिए कांस्टेबल की योग्यता 12वीं पास रखा गया है. आवेदन की पूरी प्रक्रिया ऑनलाइन रखी गई है तथा चुनाव प्रक्रिया शारीरिक एवं शैक्षणिक एग्जाम पास करने के बाद फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट के आधार पर होगी. अगर आप भी एक युवा एवं युवती है जो कि हिमाचल प्रदेश से संबंध रखते हैं तो यह पुलिस में भर्ती होने के लिए आपके पास एक सुनहरा अवसर है.
हिमाचल प्रदेश की सुखविंदर सिंह सुक्खु सरकार ने सरकार बनने के बाद यह पहली पुलिस भर्ती है जिसमें कि इतने बड़े स्तर पर भारती की जा रही है. हिमाचल में पुलिस कांस्टेबल की कमी को देखते हुए इस भर्ती प्रक्रिया को शुरू किया गया है. आवेदन की प्रक्रिया पहले से ही शुरू की जा चुकी है. अगर आपने अभी तक हिमाचल प्रदेश पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती प्रक्रिया के लिए आवेदन नहीं किया है तो, हमारा आपसे यही अनुरोध है कि आप आखिरी तिथि से पहले आवेदन अवश्य करें. आवेदन प्रक्रिया खत्म होने के बाद आगे की प्रक्रिया जल्दी हमारी वेबसाइट एवं आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर घोषित की जाएगी. हिमाचल पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती की अन्य जानकारी के लिए आप हमारे साथ इस वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहें। धन्यवाद।
HP Constable Police 1088 Recruitment
Name of recruitment | HP Police Constable Vacancy |
Name of Vacant Post | Constable and Driver |
Beneficiaries | Male and Female Candidates |
Minimum Age | 18 years or above |
Commission | HPPSC |
Posting Location | All over Himachal Pradesh |
Total Posts | 1088 |
Post | |
Category | Jobs |
HP Police Constable Bharti Eligibility Criteria
Only eligible candidates need to apply for it. If you are not eligible for this recruitment and you submit the form, then your application form must be rejected by the department. So the most important part of this Bharti is to meet all the requirements of the recruitment.
- You must be a permanent resident of Himachal Pradesh. It means you are a bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh.
- All the candidates completed their minimum 12th class examination from any of the school that falls under Himachal Pradesh Board of Dharamshala.
- The minimum age of the candidates is 18 years and the maximum is 25 years old. There is also the age relaxation also be given to reserved categories like SC, ST and OBC.
Documents Needed For Constable Post
You need to scan all the photocopies of the documents and then upload them with the application form.
- Himachal Pradesh Bonafide Certificate.
- Age Proof like the 10th Class Mark list where the complete date of birth is mentioned.
- Education Qualification Certificate.
- NCC Participation Certificates.
- Residents proof of Himachal Pradesh.
- Photograph of the candidates.
- Signature.
Registration Fee
Now along with the registration fee, according to your category one needs to pay the fee for the registration. All the candidates need to pay the same fee through the online mode. The general candidates will need to pay Rs.300 and the rest of the reserved categories have to pay half of it i.e. Rs.150/-.
Category | Registration Fee |
General Fee | Rs.600/- |
Reserved Category Candidates Fee | Rs.150/- |
Female | Rs. 0/- |
District Wise Vacancy List For HP Police Bharti
Male Constable | 708 |
Female Constable | 380 |
Total | 1088 |
Himachal Pradesh Constable Bharti Application Form
This is the direct recruitment which is going to completed through the HPSSC. The reservation of the women i.e. 30 percent also reserved for the women candidates. All the people need to visit the, then need to open the application form and fill the same by entering the details that are required to be filled. Then you need to Download the admit card as and when the written examination is conducted by the department and have to appear in the Written Examination.
HP Police Constable 1088 Vacancies Notification
If you are interested in one and also think you are eligible for these all posts, then after following the easy steps submit your form. Kindly follow the procedure given here.
- In starting after completing all the formalities and check the eligibility Criteria, you have to open the Himachal Pradesh Police Recruitment Board.
- The portal address direct link is
- Now you will see that the home page of the portal is open on your device.
- Kindly check the eligibility criteria with the minimum education qualification of the vacant post against which you are going to apply.
- Then open the link of the Registration and fill in the requisite details which are important to be filled.
- After filling in the details, it is also important to show your eligibility scanned and then upload copies of the documents with the registration form.
- The photograph and signature of the applicant also be important to upload with registration.
- Once you complete this formality, then complete your registration after paying the payment of the Registration fee. The registration fee is also different for all categories of people.
- Before submitting the final submission of the Registration, you can also verify the information you enter in the application form.
- Now submit it and also take the hard copy of the application form for future use.
Selection Process For Constable Bharti
- All the candidates who submitted their application form will need to appear in the written examination.
- After all the people who clear the written examination will have to face various selection categories like heights and NCC participation certificates. Documents Verification.
- You all also need to participate in the 4 months long Commando Training along with the general Training.
- All those candidates who clear all these recruitments will be selected for the post of the Himachal Pradesh Police Bharti.